In 2023, the House Beside Still Water opens…

It is looking for a family.


Live it.

It all begins with Dr. Ann Brandenburg-Schroeder. She was an avid gardener, yoga seeker and animal lover. In 2019, Ann was diagnosed with ALS. She thought about her life going forward and knew that, more than anything else, she wanted to stay in her home as long as possible.

Build it.

Ann was fortunate that she lived in her own home and could make modifications to increase the home’s accessibility. Construction wasn’t fun, but she was fulfilled from continuing to be with her furry friends in the peaceful House Beside Still Water.

Share it.

As Ann met fellow travelers along the ALS journey, and she knew that she wanted to share her good fortune with others. She recognized the challenges of home renovations and the lack of accessible housing options, especially if one’s time is short.


Grow it.

It wasn’t really clear how, exactly, Ann could share her home with other people with ALS. In fact, here at Raggedy Clan, we are still working out those details. Our goal is to begin renting out Ann’s accessible home, below market rate, in the summer of 2023.

Know it.

We rent a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house in a suburb of Denver to people with ALS (pALS) and their immediate family (cALS). The house has many accessible features. The grounds are beautiful - and maintained by the nonprofit! - and the location is peaceful. We welcome pets, too.

Support it.

Raggedy Clan is growing slowly and organically. We welcome your ideas and thoughts as we find our way. Ann embraced her family of support in her final phases of ALS; we embrace your support as we create this nonprofit.